How - Getting Ready For PAVE: The Focus on Process Prerequisites to PAVE

Here is the minimalist journey list of prerequisites to clear from the Phases that are about Processes, should your business not yet have finished this journey.

Productivity Phase

Prerequisites that Need to be Cleared

Phase Five - Workflow, “Job Progress is Clearly Visible”

Workflow mapping.


Team structures and work responsibilities.


Timings, due dates, and deadlines for key process steps.


Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are clear.


Workflow and Task templates.


Staff training in basic workflow use.

Phase Five is characterised by standardising, tracking, and visualising the process used to complete a job. You well need to ensure that your SOP updates are instantly available and the latest versions are propagated into all new jobs. Tasks in CargoWise One are the key driver of work. People follow the system tasks, rather than just doing what they feel like or think of.

Productivity Phase

Prerequisites that Need to be Cleared

Phase Six - Workflow Automation, “Automation of Human Tasks”

Automation of workflow tracking like auto-closing tasks helps remove resistance to use.

Phase Six is characterised by using automation to improve and streamline workflow management. Most businesses have event driven responses. Your SOPs should be event-driven in CargoWise One, continually updating and adjusting in real-time based on the job’s state, and the progress of the work being performed on the specific job.