Understanding the Health Check - Phase 3: Enterprise Integration
Phase 3 is characterised by getting the most out of the system through being more efficient in the way data is stored, shared, and used.
A business that has completed this phase would check off the following as true...
You’ll notice that most data is keyed only once, and as a result, there are reduced data entry errors and related rework required. Any information about job changes is keyed in by the first person aware of the change, and is then automatically available to all departments that will require it.
- Job information is easy to access, up-to-date, and more reliable.
All those documents you used to lose or forget about… that doesn’t happen anymore, as people almost always scan or transfer supporting documents into the database system.
- At the push of a button, you can have reports right in front of you, as they are all automated and pull up-to-date information right from the system.
Since the SOPs are now available on the network, or are in the system, all operational staff are following up-to-date processes and procedures.
- All new jobs anywhere in your system are using the most up-to-date SOPs.