How - Getting Ready For PAVE: Are You Ready For PAVE?

To implement PAVE successfully, you should have:

  • Completed Phase 2 and Phase 3
  • Started or completed Phase 5.
    • Ideally your staff will be used to the way of working where the system presents them with a task list they can follow, and they are used to keeping the system up-to-date.
    • Phase 5 can be done together in conjunction with the installation of PAVE but it’s much better if you have done it previously and are comfortable with it. The reason behind that is that it’s a much smaller change that you and your staff will have to deal with. If you already do Phase 5 well, you will already be practising the basics of using PAVE, e.g. how to do basic workflow.
  • Having started on Phase 6 is also ideal before beginning PAVE.
    • Phase 4 and Phase 6 enhance what is achievable with PAVE but are not required in order to implement PAVE, but it won't have a big impact.

How to Get PAVE Ready

Having completed a Health Check you will have your businesses score for each of the preparatory areas that PAVE assumes you have already sorted in your Productivity Journey.

  1. Enter your business’s scores in the ‘Your Score’ column for each of the questions from Phases 2 to 5 of the Health Check tool in the tables below.
  2. Compare these to the recommended score for each question.
  3. If your score is lower than the recommended score, it indicates an area you should focus on enhancing in order to clear your PAVE prerequisites.

Disclaimer: It is not mandatory that you have completed phases 2, 3, and 5 before installing PAVE. However, it would be highly beneficial for you and your business if you have.